Pop Culture Association

Pop Culture Association

Where The Robots Grow: The right idea, the wrong execution

Dorka Szabó
2025. március 11.
With audiences being loud and clear on their opinion on companies using AI, directing the first ever AI Feature Film could be a controversial move by someone seemingly hoping to stay in the filmmaking business.

A tale on perseverance and love – A spoiler free review of Netflix’s Transatlantic

Bende Ármin Gyuris
2025. március 4.
Ambition and vision often envelopes. As art forms itself, even through the hardships of a broken state and consuming social circumstances, the gifted might be forced to choose: let the dread form the mind, or let the mind encapsulate the dreadful consequences of perseverance.

Twin Peaks Day will never be the same anymore - Remembering David Lynch

Fanni Szabó
2025. február 24.
February 24th counts for this reason as the international Twin Peaks Day. A nice occasion to think about all the questions this absurd, surreal, dark, yet in some way wholesome and cosy story raises, and of course first of all to remember the great artist David Lynch who has sadly left our world this January, leaving us with the hope that now he is in a better place accompanied by a "damn fine cup of coffee".

“Professional yet playful” – an atmospheric view of the Made in Pécs Festival 2025

Bende Ármin Gyuris, Fanni Szabó
2025. január 10.
The Made in Pécs Festival has premiered in 2016, guaranteeing a slice of excitement, and carefree enjoyment of the local bands to bystanders, enthusiasts and hard-core fans alike. Since then, the festival got larger, greater and more accessible than ever, with locations ranging from old-timer pubs to the top-hit nightclubs, even having an outdoor stage.